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Back home from Vila Mimosa: my perfect Holiday

Back home from Vila Mimosa: my perfect Holiday

Vila Mimosa. 

I’ve been traveling to this hotel since May 2013. It’s one of my yearly holidays. This one is really special for me. Why this hotel?

First of all I love healthy food and having a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. The food and the juices are really fresh, healthy and taste delicious. They are like art for me. If you had seen how the food was created and how it was served: damn good!

A little bit history of me. When I came here in 2013 I had some bad habits, like drinking too much coffee and having too much attention for ‘eat-sleep-party-work and repeat’ in my daily life. I’ve really enjoyed everything since I was young. My job, going out with my friends and colleagues, my study, my family, my sports and a lot more. Only my energy level was just ‘normal’, I am just normal. So, I learned I had to let things go to be more satisfied and having more energy. At the moment I do more of the things I didn’t do: doing less. Less is more.

Furthermore, the employees at this hotel are real experts on several aspects of having a vital and sustainable lifestyle. It’s really joyful to talk with people about the same passion. I find people real inspirational.

In addition, the experts, the ‘Vila Mimosa Team, are really kind and enthusiastic too. In my opinion they bring a lot of energy and a good vibe in this Vila. They know what they are doing and they know how to do it on a real pure and authentic way.

Really noteworthy, the Vila by itself is really beautiful. Have you ever found another place in the world where you feel ‘I am home’? Well I do! For me it’s here. Every time I arrive my smile goes from ear to ear. And if I am honest, I tried to bring some of the ideas over in my own house. It was a little project of me last summer. It has a lot of space, light colors, delicious spa ingredients in the bathrooms and at the spa center, a nice balcony and roof terrace, beautifully dressed dining tables, little sweet candles, a lovely sofa to relax on, amazing tropical plants by the pool and even a place where I can sit down and do some emails. They’ve got a PC in another room. I like to write. I’ve even studied for my exams in the past.

There’s also a program of doing walks, stretching, body exercises, aqua gym, yoga, mindfulness and sound scale sessions. It helps with boosting in having a structure, being more outside and doing more exercise with less weights and time. It has always increased my vitality.

Finally, they even have a team of specialists in massage, pedicure, facial care, manicure, osteopathic and nutrition. I also don’t have to cook, I don’t have to clean. I feel really lucky I found a place where I always love to be and always can look back at as the ‘Perfect Holiday’.


PS. Aqua gym is so cool!
Don’t wait till you are 40 or 50.
Thanks Celeste and Clarissa!

2017 - Feeling Vitastic at Vila Mimosa

2017 – Feeling Vitastic at Vila Mimosa.


More reviews and picturers can be found on:

  • https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g189112-d2339601-Reviews-Vila_Mimosa-Albufeira_Faro_District_Algarve.html
  • http://www.vitaliseportugal.nl/fotos.php


Some Dutch blogs about this holiday in the past:

DETOX, LET’S GET RELOADED! Deel 1 over mijn ervaringen met detox en detox vakanties

DETOX, LET’S GET RELOADED! Deel 2 over mijn ervaringen met detox en detox vakanties



Some of my pictures of last holiday:

2017 - Feeling Vitastic at Vila Mimosa

Vitastic holiday at Vila Mimosa

2017 - Stretching on my balcony in Vila Mimosa

Stretching on my balcony in Vila Mimosa

2017 - Feeling Vitastic at Vila Mimosa

The beach near Vila Mimosa

2017 - Feeling Vitastic at Vila Mimosa

The beach near Vila Mimosa


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